Voice Your Opinion in the Timeshare Forums

published on July 17, 2009 by

We are now living in the age of User Generated Content (UGC) on the internet. A multitude of Blogs and Web sites exist online for people to discuss any topic of their choosing, with anyone, at any time of day, worldwide! Isn’t the internet amazing? Online social networking is really taking hold and for those of you passionate about your timeshare ownership, you can discuss and share that love with others in the RedWeek.com time share forums. With seven Timeshare Discussion Forum topics to choose from and individual forums available just focused on the resort you own, there is no limit to the conversations you can start, or take part in. Maybe you want to talk about: timeshare points and exchanges; buying, selling or renting your timeshare; timeshare companies and developers; or you have travel tips and advice to share. Get involved, help others and have fun.

Let’s say you love the forums, but, long for a way to really tell your story about what timeshare ownership has meant to you and your family over the years. Consider writing a Blog about your travel experiences. A Blog is a “web log” that tells your story about a certain topic, say for example, your timeshare vacations. Blogs are a fun and exciting way to post your story to the world publicly, or to keep a private diary of your experiences and in this example, writing about your travels to a variety of timeshare resorts would make for some fun reading for your family, friends and other travelers browsing the internet. And, if you didn’t know it, blogs are free to create and easy to manage. Just try WordPress.com or Blogger.com to get started. Once you’re up and running, don’t forget to blog about your timeshare vacations (and even how RedWeek.com was a great resource for finding that perfect resort!)

See this link for a past article about the RedWeek.com Timeshare Forums.