Categories for Louisiana

How to Speak Cajun

(A tip of the hat to my niece who calls up and says, “…Hi Annie (Auntie) Helen, how ya be darlin’?”) If you are “fixin to” go to yo (your) timeshare in “Looziana”, (Louisiana) you need to understand the local dialect in order to communicate yo (your) needs clearly. Here’s a quick guide… In Hotels…

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Top 5 Aquariums

One of the best places to get lost is in an aquarium. Millions of visitors travel to our wondrous aquariums each year. Discover what lives beneath the surface of our world’s waters. On your next timeshare rental explore an aquarium in the area. Here are our top 5 picks for must-see aquariums. 1. Monterey Bay…

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Top 5 Spring Food Festivals

Get ready to tempt your taste buds! Each spring America puts on the yummiest food and wine events. Here are the top 5 spring food festivals around the United States worth checking out on your next timeshare rental: 1. Mississippi Coast Coliseum Crawfish Music Festival (April 17-20 and 24-27): Talk about a pairing: Crawfish and…