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Timeshare Appraisals for Estate Disposition

stevenb119 states in part: >> This can't be a difficult thing to accomplish. One look at Redweeks listed resales would tell you the fair market value. << ========================================== First, I'm sorry for your loss. Surprisingly, an "appraisal" WILL be difficult to accomplish. Unlike in other real estate which has an assessed value of record, that's just simply not the case with a timeshare week, since no "official" value is assigned or available for individual weeks. The overall facility has an assessed property value, of course, but because different weeks (and unit sizes) all have different market values, it's just not as simple as dividing $"X" resort assessed value by "Y" total units, by 52 weeks. Advertised resale listings, whether on RedWeek or anywhere else, are ultimately just "asking" prices, revealing no definitive or informative details on the actual selling (closing) prices. I'd suggest contacting the resort directly to see if they perhaps have a resale office on site or nearby. If so, there is a licensed real estate broker or agent affiliated with that resale office who might be able to give you some clear guidance on getting a formal document stating estimated value of your particular week, perhaps even in affidavit form. An actual "appraisal" however, may very well prove to be an unattainable objective. Good luck.