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Original Message:

Re: What Happens to my Week, if it's cancelled here on Red Week? (by KC):

sandyh263 wrote:
Time is running out on my listing of a week at Marriott's Mountain Side. Once I cancel the posting of the un-rented week, what happens to my week? It was booked with Interval International before being listed for rent here on Red Week. I assume the week goes back to Interval? How long is it available for my use? Thanks Sandy

I'm not sure that I correctly understand this somewhat confusing post, but if you "deposited" a Marriott week that you own to Interval International, then that week, once so “deposited”, was no longer yours to occupy, or retrieve back from II for that usage year --- or to advertise it for rent on RedWeek (or anywhere else) after it was "deposited" with II.

If the Marriott week that you mention was one that you do not actually own at all but instead obtained as an “exchange” from Interval, then you could not rent out that exchange week to anyone else, per clearly stated prohibitions in Interval’s written terms and conditions of membership. If this was a week that you obtained from II as an exchange, then it’s basically “use it or lose it” for that (and for any and all other) week(s) obtained from II as a one time, personal use exchange.