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Original Message:

Re: Timeshare rental availability (by KC):

A few relevant thoughts in response to the post above:

RedWeek rental listings are paid for and post for 6 months, so many owners would not advertise February 2025 rentals on RedWeek until maybe August of 2024 (or even later). Also, some owners may not decide whether or not to rent out their February 2025 week(s) at all until later on, perhaps considering using their owned weeks themselves in 2025 --- or maybe instead deciding to "deposit" their owned week(s) for "exchange" week(s) through either RCI or II. Any weeks obtained as "exchanges" from II or RCI cannot then be rented out to someone else, per the terms and conditions of membership in both exchange companies.

As far as Florida rental listings for February 2025 being posted on RedWeek, you are not likely to see many for a few more months. Other sites that don't have "time limited" advertising may show 2/25 rentals sooner, but I personally think that RedWeek is the best and safest site available anywhere to find legitimate timeshare rental listings posted by honest people. That said, however, I also suggest ONLY considering "RedWeek Verified" or "Verified and Protected" listings, in order to minimize your risk to the greatest extent possible. Limiting your rental considerations to only "RedWeek Verified" or "Verified and Protected" listings ensures that you will never inadvertently get yourself involved with someone trying to rent out weeks that they don't even own at all, but have instead obtained as an "exchange" from RCI or II (for one time personal use). Both II and RCI very clearly and specifically prohibit the rental of any weeks obtained from them by "exchange" in their written terms and conditions of membership. RedWeek will never "verify" any such "exchange" weeks, since the would-be advertiser cannot prove ownership, since they don't actually own weeks obtained by "exchange" in the first place. II and RCI members trying to rent out exchanges risk suspension or termination of their exchange company membership and the would-be renter risks a loss of occupancy, potentially losing their rental payment as well. Stick to "RedWeek Verified" and "Verified and Protected" listings for optimal safety in renting any listings on RedWeek.

Good luck. I hope that some of this information is useful or helpful.