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If you have done an owner update ( sales presentation) understand there are several pitch's which re not true , some have been used past several years by Diamond, Embarc and now have crossed over to Westin and Marriott. WHY? sales people were let go and now work there with this scam pitch. Here it is, 1) freeze your offer( very high, not real price) for 18 months so no pressure to buy today,But amazing there is an offer that has expired, regular price, but have to do today...LIE 2.) Did you come in because of the phone call or email, again just a pitch to scare you...3) If you don't change into new program your inventory will go down and you wont bee able to make a reservation...4) of you add the minimum the company will by back you memberships for what you paid . TOO FUNNY IF YOU FEEL FOR THIS.. stop believing the dumb pitches they are lying....