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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

hello deborahs258, if you have been a TMC member for a reasonable amount of time, the answer to your comment..."I really wonder how these people who run the club live with themselves." should be obvious and come as no surprise. the unreasonable accumulation of wealth by TMC, regardless of the method, is to be expected. " this time they are adhering to their normal policy and if you can't use it, you lose it..." at this very moment, the coronavirus is affecting people worldwide with sickness and death. yes, any normal and reasonable person would expect a definite and generous relaxation of accommodation use rules/policies. however, that would involve some possible negative financial consequences for TMC; it is hard to imagine that they would let that happen. more definitively, it's called their abandonment of conscience, heart and soul, in favor of wealth accumulation, regardless of our current dire circumstances. i hope they rethink their stance and establish a humane change of heart concerning TMC accommodation use policy during these precarious and dangerous times.