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Re: COVID-19 Related Cancellations

I am a Timeshare Owner and Multi-Year RedWeek Member. RedWeek in their April 17, 2020 Newsletter states the recent Covid-19 event "revealed several weaknesses in our structure". One of these was a major problem of RedWeek's communication failure to link Owners and Renters. During what would have been my Renters March 20 - March 27 stay at Marriott Crystal Shores in Marco Island FL , I wrote 4 times to RedWeek my desire and hope for the opportunity to offer the Renter some consideration for their loss. After No Response from RedWeek I directly contacted the Renter to offer the "good will" gesture from Marriott. An Interval International Certificate for travel through 2021. In 1 hour, RedWeek responded to the Renter and me - telling the Renter to Disregard my E Mail offer and the refund cash was theirs. RedWeek writes in various memos the stress and difficulty caused by Covid-19. No doubt, for all of us. In these difficult times. The connection between the Owner, the Renter and RedWeek is the Rental Agreement, a legal document. In challenging times and possible disagreements between parties is the legal document Rental Agreement. The RedWeek Arbitration Board did not abide by the written document but (in my opinion) took the path that chose Renters as the winner and Owners as the Loser. My Renter cancelled in 2 days or less of Check In. The Marriott policy is clear as to No Refund but still had an offer of "good will" ,refused by RedWeek. RedWeek stated the Marriott Timeshare was Uninhabitable, per Section of the Rental. The Rental Agreement is very specific. Section 12 defines Habitability as "by reason of flood, fire or storm". There was no flood, fire or storm. Note that RedWeek in a Sample Rental Agreement modifies, for future contracts, Section 12 with the addition of "force majeure or other natural disasters" as the definition for Not Habitable. While Marriot was Open during this week. RedWeek stated to me "our experience with timeshare resorts, particularly Marriott and Westin resorts, is they claim they are open when for all practical purposes they are not". Plus much other negative comments about Marriott. And Yet - Even though RedWeek stated a negative opinion of Marriott Resorts they still continue to present many, many hundreds of rental weeks. RedWeek stated they used "good conscience" in their decision for the Renter. It was the Renter that chose to cancel late with full knowledge of the consequences. And Yet - On the RedWeek site Marriott is praised as a "World Renowned Hotelier - Exquisite Timeshare Properties - Most Sought After Destinations". And Yet - On the RedWeek site on February 24th and March 13th there is a sales offer for Upgrading Marriott postings at a No Fee incentive. Section 7 - Owner is not responsible "for any reason beyond the Owner's control". Section 9 - Renter and Owner agree "For cancellations less than 60 days prior to check-in, the penalty is 100%". At this time, as an Owner, I will pursue my loss of Rental Income through the Court/Legal System. I believe that RedWeek has Breached the Contract. I also believe that RedWeek acted too quickly and did not give enough thought to all the potential problems when issuing a blanket statement defining/ redefining Habitable. I offered the Renter a "good will gesture" and even gave thought to a cash remedy. RedWeek stopped that effort. As to RedWeek's "good conscience" they were made aware of my rent as Income, needed for future expenses. James Souza (jamess1558)