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Manhattan Club Lawsuit Appeal

l, my reservation timing is a bit different from yours, but i need and requested an extension as well because of the COVID-19 PANDEMIC. i'm convinced that i received the same nonsensical FORM LETTER that you did, with the identical words you quoted. it appears that, if we're seeking diblasio's (and perhaps even cuomo's) intervention in our plight, we should inundate their respective offices with our individual stories of TMC's disregard of CDC's life and death COVID-19 GUIDELINES. that's precisely the reason i suggested creating an individual FORM LETTER of our own for each owner to send, with room to personalize our specific reservation/COVID-19 issues. i too am an original owner having watched my maintenance fees rise, as you did, to upwards of 450-500%, and this is their way of thanking us for our loyalty: in other words, "screw you, owners," additionally and FYI, i had to wait for mayor bloomberg (at the time) to declare a nyc state of emergency because of HURRICANE SANDY before TMC would permit me to cancel a reservation because i wasn't able to travel to nyc from long island because of road and railroad conditions. that's truly the height of greed and insensitivity for which TMC is famous. i found it hopefully worthwhile to join attny zimmerman's lawsuit to fight TMC to a point of humanity and humaneness, and less esoterically, for financial retribution for the fraud they perpetrated against us owners over the years of ownership. again FYI, i doubt that you'll hear from diblasio's office "in a timely manner" especially with all that's on his plate at this time. however, our TMC stories reflect the serious COVID-19 issues that TMC is totally disregarding concerning reservation time, so that might be a plus in our favor. stay healthy and in touch. chris [Q=leonaedh] Chris V Your comments are great Let’s see what Mayor DeBlasio’s says.If I do not here from Gracie Mansion in a timely manner I will follow up I bought at TMC in 1998. An original owner. No special attention given. In April cancelled May and June reservations due to pandemic. No 2020 usage. Our year ends in February 2021. Asked reservations if usage could be extended past February. Replied...”no changes yet in reservations and procedures” This is what we are up against. This was addressed in my letter. I would line to hear what the owners experiences have been in 2020 with TMC.[/Q]