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Manhattan Club Lawsuit Appeal

i would be considered an at-risk owner. my reservation time expires in mid-august, 2020. i asked for an extension to the end of november, 2020 for health and safety reasons. i received the same lame FORM LETTER as did leonadeh, in effect, NO EXTENSION. i hope they have body bags available in their housekeeping department. i'm sure there are many, many other at-risk owners who would benefit from a reasonable extension to help preserve their health and possibly their lives. i found nothing on the website indicating COVID-19 GUIDELINES. could they be waiting for people to arrive for a reservation to present this imperative information? is it posted in the lobby, in the rooms, suites or the lounge? one of their most essential responses would be in regard to cleaning procedures, revision of reservation policies related to COVID-19 and adjustment of monetary penalties regarding well as social distancing and the wearing of masks. part of leonaedh's letter to de blasio stated that, "...TMC management has not issued any guidelines as it relates to social distancing, cleaning procedures, postponing or revising visits and adjustment of economic penalties.......Most TMC owners are at risk seniors.......” TMC must be making every effort to be sued and/or taken to task by the CDC. perhaps the guidelines are listed elsewhere, but i have not seen them in places like this could lead to poor management of making and keeping reservations and accommodations. [Q=leonaedh] My letter to Mayor De Blasio regarding TMC reservations stated .......”During the current coronavirus crisis TMC management has not issued any guidelines as it relates to social distancing, cleaning procedures, postponing or revising visits and adjustment of economic penalties.......Most TMC owners are at risk seniors.......” Imagine social distancing in TMC elevators. Has any owner been to TMC from March to the present? What is it like?[/Q]