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Times have changed

21 yrs ago I purchased a 3 br/10 occ/red week T/S in a Western Canada ski area for a measly $3000. Mtce. fees were less than $300 at the time and RCI was reasonable. Times change, however. That same purchase today is $25,000, mtce. fees are over $500 and RCI fees have jumped. I've gotten very good value from my T/S, but in today's market I wouldn't touch it. When my RCI membership runs out at the end of 2007, that's it. I'm through with them. I'll start using Redweek or any number of other sites to post my week for rental if I'm not using it. I have also begun renting through Redweek as well. A 2br unit on the Big Island for $800. Not too bad. And there are bargains to be found all over the web. Times have changed.