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The Manhattan Club Lawsuit - RedWeek's Report & Most Recent Info

ms faeth, you are a good and well-intentioned TMC OWNER; up-to-date with your payments and doing all the right things. if you think that TMC cared one iota of your mom passing, whether or not you had a corresponding reservation after her unfortunate and untimely passing, think again. you're...all of us owners are, dealing with an inhumane, greedy, selfish and fraudulent organization that cares solely and only about profit motive; nothing, death, coronavirus/covid-10, sandy hurricane, with no reservation postponement or anything else in the interest of us owners. all they care about is the money that we're shoveling into their coffers. we are burdening their albatross together, but by no means are we owners working together to loosen this monster bird's grip. that's a problem we've yet to solve. perhaps mr zimmerman would help with the establishment of a site only for owners' use and with the use of the owners' contact list, which he's yet to present to us, perhaps with good reason. but we need it. it's been said so often, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!." when will our TMC albatross finally be lifted? we must get zimmerman to respond as he said he would. those of us who responded to him with our funds to retain him deserve more than we're getting. .[Q=susanf800] I have continually paid my dues and am up-to-date. I’ve had several bad experiences. Six years ago my mother died unexpectedly and they would not let me move my reservation to a later date as I must use my four days my mid-August, I don’t remember the exact date but I just wanted to move my reservation to the following month, so I had to lose the day. You know they must have booked it to get paid twice. Just now, I asked if I could move my date from August to November 21 as I have a wedding in Howard Beach, Queens, where I am originally from and Covid is prevalent in NY. They told me NO but offered some kind of deal with RCI that will cost additional money. I am so angry. I hope these lawyers can tear them apart. Thanks for listening. Best, Susan Faeth[/Q]