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Re: How to get rid of a timeshare you no longer want ....

I have said it before and I will say it again, if I merely wanted to get rid of my timeshare I would much rather [b]DONATE[/b] it for free to one of the charities that's in the original post than to [b]PAY[/b] Timeshare Relief or anyone esle [b]$3500[/b] to take it off my hands. If Timeshare Relief was a legitimate business they would take your timeshare for free and do whatever it is they do with them (resale, rent etc.) Tmeshare Relief is a rip-off much like 99% of upfront fee resale brokers. You can list your timeshare here, other resale sites or Ebay for $1. If your timeshare is in a good location at a nice resort, at a decent time of year you will more than likely sell it for $1.