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Re: COVID-19 Related Cancellations

This subject is going to be disputed for some time to come . There are obviously more than one opinion on the matter . Just like the politics we are watching daily each side puts their own spin on the issue . These are the facts we a dealing with : 1 This is a once in a lifetime event that nobody could have planned for . 2. It only gave us a short window to realize the affects of the virus on the travel industry and unfortunately we book our timeshares many months to years in advance . 3 People interpret clauses differently depending on which side of the issue they are on . 4 We all want to be right . 5 Redweek is between a rock and a hard place . No matter which side they decide in favor of the other side is going to be unhappy . I am sure the Redweek staff researched the issue for quite a while before deciding . No matter which way they decide there is going to be bad feelings . I am going to forfeit my week this year . It's a personal decision and I feel comfortable with staying home until this virus is under control . I have offered my week to anyone I know that is brave or dumb enough to travel before the end of the year . I can only imagine how backed up our courts are going to be if everyone who suffered any loss due to the virus decides to sue over it .