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Two owned time shares at Summer Bay in Kissimmee- need a way to get rid of

My wife's parents who are elderly and unable to deal with this themselves have two properties at Summer Bay in Kissimmee, Florida. One is a Week in Summer Isles Condominiums that I think may be a two bedroom unit. The other I believe is a three bedroom unit with screened in porch in the Summer Bay Lakeside Condos. They have only used these maybe three or four times in nearly 20 years of ownership. The have long since been paid off and the maintenance fees are a burden to them. We would like to get rid of these properties. They have been scammed twice by outfits that got them to pay cash up front and did nothing. I personally talked to Reid Hein and Assoc. They wanted over $11,000 to get rid of the properties and I have since read some negative reviews on them. My wife and siblings do not want to later inherit and then deal with it either. How can we get rid of these properties and more particularly, the burdensome maintenance fees? Thank you.