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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

The real issue in any Court Case against Ian Bruce Eichner and The Manhattan Club is they do not answer Discovery questions. I guarantee they will not answer any Discovery in the lawsuit Zimmerman has filed and will deflect answering. Eichner's lawyers have stock phases they use in response to requests for Discovery " the answers are proprietary, irrelevant, information subject to attorney client privilege, work product privilege, overly broad, documents not material and necessary to the prosecution or defense of this action." I could go on with the boiler plate answers. Eichner and is attorney's will say and do anything not to answer Discovery. They could not do that with AG. But they even gave the NYAG a hard time. Read the court filings. The Manhattan Club and Eichner delayed, delayed and delayed Discovery but they could not stop the NYAG. That is why writing to the New York attorney General James is so important. The NYAG has all the evidence needed to win in court against Eichner and The Manhattan Club. Our tax dollars paid for the NYAG's investigation only to have the investigation benefit Eichner and The Manhattan Club