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Re: Getting rid of a time share.

[Q=a307] Very good advice! Remember these people have themselves in a tight spot and many just stop thinking until its to late! How many of these poor people give $3500 and six months later know they messed up. Unless they just can not afford the timeshare any longer. Then you wonder where they get the $3500 to throw away. I would think most jump the gun before thinking this out. When we owned Los Tules three bedroom unit,top floor unit in PV Mexico 1982-1988 after the fourth year of owning and tired of Rci screwing us on exchanges we tried to sell and after two more years of paying up front fee's for nothing we put pictures and offer to rent with option to buy up on bulletin boards around town. Now you have computers and Craigslist is free which is like a on-line bulletin board. We rented it within two weeks and the family called us after few days there and said they were buying it.We had agreed sales price minus rental fee so they stayed a week at this resort,toured and heard resort price and came running to us to buy our unit. They new they would pay us $4500 minue the $1200 rental fee plus closing cost and saved about $6200 because their vacation cost was like the down payment. Yes we sold and yes we didn't make money but we moved the unit and it was so easy after wasting two years and about $800. We had a friend last year ask me what I thought because they had tried and couldn't sell. I told them what we did and they ran ads on Craigslist to rent or buy and also offered same option deal we sold ours with and a family rented it and also bought. The only down side to rent with right to buy is you can only do it once a year! There are better idea's than giving someone $3500 to take it. I would think most timeshare owners would make this deal if you give them $3500. Then they would use,trade or let family/friends use it until sold. Remember for $3500 most people could keep it five years and still break even! PHILL12