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If I understand your post correctly, you signed a contract in Mexico in June. You could have cancelled the contract within 7 days of signing the contract, but it is now too late to rescind (cancel) that contract. However, there is still a way for you to [b]immediately stop[/b] making [b]ANY[/b] payments. I am [b]not[/b] offering you legal advice and I am [b]not[/b] making any suggestions ------ I am only pointing out a course of action which is available to you if [b]YOU CHOOSE[/b] to pursue it. You can direct Barclays to cancel your credit card application immediately. If the credit card has already been issued, you can still tell them to cancel it immediately (you will probably have to cancel in writing, if the card has already been issued). You can also direct your bank to immediately cancel your debit card and issue you a new one with an entirely [b]different[/b] account number (a much better idea than just making up a phony story about it being "lost"). If nothing else, these actions will stop the entity in Mexico from being able to take [b]any[/b] money from you either by credit card charge [b]or[/b] by debiting your bank account. If you do these things, you should then write a letter to the resort in Mexico, clearly informing them that you do not intend to make any further payments and you do not intend to access their property at any time. That letter means absolutely [b]nothing[/b] from a legal standpoint, but it still makes clear your personal resolve not to pay another penny. Since this is essentially a brand new contract, they might not even bother to pursue payment or seek to damage your credit by reporting a loan default, but that is not really possible to predict in advance. There isn't really a way to know in advance the name of the entity that will be billing you, but what does it matter? If the entity in Mexico has [b]already[/b] succeeded in taking money out of your account, you are certainly not going to get any of that money back --- it's gone and will not be returned. PROFECO will not hep you, since you are already long past the rescission (cancellation) date. What you [b]CAN[/b] do, however, is to simply [b]CLOSE any and all of the doors allowing the entity in Mexico any further opportunity to either charge your credit card OR take money out of your bank account via your debit card [/b]. The decision and choice and action is entirely yours to initiate --- and the sooner, the better. Good luck, whatever you decide to do.