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Re: Re: Cancelling within 10 days

It sounds to me like you have things covered, but it certainly cannot hurt to send your second package. If you and your wife both signed the contract, then [b]both[/b] of you [b]must[/b] also sign the rescission correspondence for it to be valid. Only the [b]postmark[/b] date of your rescission correspondence(s) date matters, applied within the rescission window of that state's law. I can't recall off the top of my head whether Nevada is 5 days or 7 days, but it's one or the other. If you still have time to get your second mailing postmarked today, go ahead and make it happen. When DRI actually [b]receives[/b] your rescission correspondence is irrelevant and not important. [b]Postmark date rules all[/b]. One last thought --- do [b]not[/b] make make any phone calls to DRI to "follow up". No possible good can come from any such phone conversations, which are meaningless and irrelevant in a contract matter anyhow. Well done --- and Happy New Year!