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Wave bye bye to your money!

Don't be surprised if you never hear from them again. Just because they have a physical address doesn't mean they are legitimate.[b] A legitimate resale company would have taken their fee after they sold your timeshare, not before[/b]. There are countless horror stories here concerning upfront fee timeshare resale companies. You can more than likely kiss the upfront money you gave them goodbye. (PHIL) Only the names have changed on these scam artist over the years! Years ago before we had a resales office at our Lake Tahoe resort we paid $600 and signed up with a company at Stateline. This is in the three block area of Harrah and other casino's where the line from Nv and CA meet. We had listed our unit and year and half later we had never heard anything from them. We were having breakfast on the Ca side and just by accident walked up the office of these scam artist. My wife wanted to go in and look around and this was a small older wooden two room office with four chairs in the waiting room. The lady had a customer so she thinking we were buyers gave us her book to look at condo's for sale. This book was six inches thick. We opened it and found our resort and our unit and they had 9500 of our units listed and most were for same price. This six inch book only showed timeshares in the Lake Tahoe area so I guess every timeshare had thousands of listings. We found later that they were on the Ca side because by law they couldn't have offices on the Nv side! When the lady came up to us my wife asked how you decide which of the 9500 units you sell first. We were told they go to the first listing unless the buyer doesn't like the price then they can make offer. My wife then asked if you are telling us you will call all 9500 owners to get us the best price and we seem to lose her at this point. She then become very rude when we told her we were owners and our unit after 1 1/2 years was number 9423 on her list. By then there was another couple there and she ask us to leave her office. My wife told the young couple to be careful of this scam and the lady started yelling at my wife and called the cops! After talking to them we found this wasn't the first time they had been called and then told us we probley lost our money but that the DA was already working on this company! About four months later the office was closed down with chains on the door and Gov notice that this company had been shut down by California!