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Re: Re: BlueGreen Vacations Timeshare Scam Warning!!!

Unfortunately, the sales weasels of some developers (Westgate being the worst, with Wyndham in second place, in my personal opinion), know full well that they can [b]say[/b] virtually anything (whether true or not) because, in the final analysis, [b]ONLY[/b] the written content of the contract matters. Everything else is just completely meaningless noise briefly floating around in the air within the sales room. BlueGreen is certainly no different in this regard. This is precisely why "We were lied to" seldom (never?) succeeds in escaping a contract. In fact, many contracts even [b]openly state in writing[/b] that any verbal statements or claims made are [b]not[/b] binding and that [b]ONLY the written content of the contract matters[/b]. In other words, anything that is not overtly and clearly stated in writing within the four corners of the contract document simply does not exist. That may be surprising and disappointing, but it is nonetheless 100% true and accurate.