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Re: Cold callers offering to buy your timeshare

[Q=phill12] [Q=ednab2] We are always getting phone calls asking us if we want to sell our time share. Don't know if it's from the same place. Anyone know anything about these or is it a con. I suspect the latter.[/Q] You are right, they are companies looking for up front listing fee! Have you noticed most of these calls are 5-8pm when people are home just starting to relax . As soon as I hear their voice I want to pull the lowlife through the phone and beat the h--- out of him![/Q] I find a better way to handle them is to talk to them, for an hour. Make a game out of it and waste their time. Yes, they are all "fee based" companies who will take your "up-front" cash and once they have it, bye-bye. There are numerous forums on Redweek dealing with these offers.