Report Abuse - 16007

Re: the manhattan club

[Q=futurec] [Q=jessicar61] what do you think??????[/Q] You couldn't pay me enough money to spend a night at the manhattan club. The staff at the Manhattan Club offer you great Broadway tickets. However, this is not true if you do not buy a time share you get tickets that are very far from the stage. Also they promise you a great hotel this is also not true you end up in a hotel with no hot water or you may need double beds and will end up not getting them. Don't even think about calling them to complain about the room or ask to be moved to a different hotel this just won't happen either. The park Central hotel is right underneath the club and there rooms are also not what they say they are suppost to be. I would not buy or rent anything from the manhattan club ever. I hope everyone does the same.[/Q] You did not state whether you exchanged or rented. Did you expect really good theatre tickets just because you listened to the presentation. The way you came across in your message, I felt you sound like a person who expects a lot for nothing. I feel I'm entitled to complain about things because I'm an owner.