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f you want out of your timeshare and: 1) It's paid for 2) You are up to date on maintenance fees Call your timeshare and do as the article says: find out if they offer a "deed-back/surrender" option. Most of them do. However you MUST use those words. If you call and say I want to give it back they will tell you that you cant do it. You have to say "deed-back". They will most likely say, they need to check inventory and let you know. Then they will call you back and tell you there is a fee for them to do the legal paperwork blah blah etc. Pay the fee, complete the paperwork, get it notarized, send it back by traceable means and in about 2 weeks to a month you are done with that millstone of a timeshare that was around your neck. YOU DO NOT NEED a timeshare exit company or any attorneys to charge you $$$ to do what you can do for yourself. Because, guess what? This is EXACTLY what they will do on your behalf and charge you thousands on top of it to make you think you needed them. Signed, A person who got out of my timeshare on my own by calling and asking for their deed-back option.