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RCI Class Action Lawsuit

In some RedWeek forums (and, to be fair, elsewhere as well) I have seen publicly stated misunderstandings and/or misrepresentations regarding this legal action. To be clear, I'm NOT involved in (or associated in ANY way with) this litigation. Nonetheless, I thought it might be helpful and/or informative to provide an ACCURATE portrayal of this legal action. To that end, I am quoting VERBATIM (word for word) in pertinent part from the web site established by the plaintiff representatives: "A class action lawsuit has been filed against RCI on behalf of all members of RCI's Weeks Program. The lawsuit alleges that RCI improperly skims a large percentage of the timeshares from the RCI exchange bank system, including many prime timeshares, and rents those timeshares out to the general public for profit and also uses them for promotional purposes and as fringe benefits for its employees. The lawsuit further alleges that as a result of these practices, the actual experiences of many RCI Weeks Program members is that they simply cannot find any comparable exchanges." [End of quote] I believe I have copied every word quoted above exactly, completely and accurately, but apologize if I have inadvertently made a typo error of any kind. If the lawsuit is going to be discussed and debated, here or anywhere else, it should at least be discussed with some actual understanding of what the lawsuit alleges in the first place. Whether you agree or disagree with the legal action being initiated, or with its assertions, the above at least clearly identifies exactly WHAT this lawsuit is all about....