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Re: Experience at Dunes South

We did end up with a spring week, and in April spent out first week at Dunes South. We had a wonderful time--the beach was lovely, the weather cooperated (in 70's during the day, nicely cool at night). We found our ocean front unit to be comfortable, clean and reasonably well appointed--fireplace with wood supplied a lovely touch--but not fancy. Since we just wanted to enjoy the ocean, walk the beach, and enjoy a little seafood, it was just fine for our taste. The lack of planned activities was a plus for us--our one experience with a T.S. that had an activities director and planned things was very uninteresting. Activities were juvenille, and nothing a 70+ couple might want to experience. (Our 8 & 12 year old grandkids MIGHT have liked them!) The one negative: if one had infirmities, the 2 flights of stairs would be difficult in the unit we have (312).