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catherine, Redweek is an internet timeshare listing site, they are not an upfront fee resale company that charges hundreds of dollars upfront and then do nothing to sell your timeshare. Redweek is a bargain as it get thousands of hits a day and is the #1 timeshare listing site on the internet. With Redweek, you are actually the seller/renter of your own timeshare and if you price it right you will more than likely sell it here as opposed to any other way. In other words, you are in complete control of your ad and what you state in that ad. The ads are very easy to construct and they can be edited at any time to lower your price, add info or whatever. Redweek is a business and they have overheard (server space, employees, programmers etc.) like any other business. [Q]catherined52 wrote: doesnt redweek charge an upfront fee to post your timeshare ad....i thought when i was signing up i was paying to post my ad....oh no i was signing up to be a member of there website there is an additional 50 dollars to post an ad and then all the extras. 10 dollars a week here 15 dollars a week there....why hasnt that been brought in these forums yet....[/Q]