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Use Redweek - rent or exchange

I bought a 3BR 3BA prime winter week about 5-6 years ago on ebay. I have had decent luck renting my week here on Redweek. A good week rents for about $1600 and more than pays my $1000 maintenance fee. I also have had some luck in trading it. Trading can be (usually is) very frustrating if you try to pinpoint time and location. It is great for "after kid" years - which I am getting closer to. I have traded into a VERY nice 3BR in Williamsburg, a nice 2BR Sheraton in Orlando and a local 2BR Piney Shores Resort. All of these units were in prime season and ALL were Gold Crown with RCI. REDWEEK EXCHANGE is something very new. It appears that they place a value on your resort based on their (Redweek's) rental histories on a 1 point for $1 value. I have just deposited my 3BR CL ski week with them. They gave me 1800 points!! I also own a Marriott Waiohai. They offered me about 3000 points from it, but I have yet to take it. Each is about what I could have received in rent. Hopefully I will be able to trade the points for other available resorts. We will see!!