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Re: Re: Wyndham's new "Ovation" program offers exit solutions for their owners... interested?

[Q=paule367] Has anyone heard reports of Wyndham Ovation program being fraudulent? Has anyone received a call form Timeshare Solutions Plus, promising to get you out of your timeshare? Has anyone received a call from Michael Ortiz? He claims Ovation did not truly get us out of the timeshare, but Wyndham has been racking up maintenance fees without our knowledge and after one of us dies they will come to collect. He claims he will fix this for a fee.[/Q] Wyndham’s deedback program is completely legitimate and has been in place for years now, although I believe that they now call it “Responsible Exit” instead of “Ovation”. There is nothing “fraudulent” about it and, as far as I know, they don’t even charge any money if your particular timeshare is one that they will accept back. That said, they may be selective in what they will accept back. On the other hand “Timeshare Solutions Plus” (never heard of them) is clearly a scam operation of some sort. Don’t believe a word they say and PLEASE don’t get suckered into sending them a penny, or you will surely regret it later when you ultimately realize that you (unwisely) fell for a scam.