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Re: We Collect Timeshares, LLC

Hey, ever hear of riiStroman..I have asked that they take me out of their mailing lists by sending a registered certified letter and in my state their acceptance of that letter puts me on a "do not contact" list for fear of monetary penalties to their company. That was a year ago and I haven't heard from them since. I have 3 timeshares (more than 10 years now) that are great locations, the fees are reasonable and my family and co-workers jump at the chance to use them each year. And they pay cash money too! I use the properties myself when it is possible. Sometimes I can't use them because a family member or friend has beat me to it! I have investigated the companies like "we collect" that say they are doing you a favor by taking the properties off of your hands for a "small" fee ($3000 ain't small) and find that all of them are the same. $2999 profit just about each time they find someone desperate enough to pay to "get out" of the timeshare system. And the "Oh you are indebted to this property in perpetuity" claim is a lot of bunk also. There are numerous organizations that will accept your property as a donation. Just run a Google and they will pop right up! Granted you may be asked to pay some of the closing costs for this transfer but in the end (and after claiming the lost costs, yes even the price you paid for the timeshare, as a tax deductible writeoff) you come out a winner in the end. The gentleman or gentlewoman who works for this "we collect" probably has been brainwashed enough to actually believe he/she is doing a valuable service but we who appreciate the use of our properties know them for the thieves they truly are. Shame on you.. Southern Man