Report Abuse - 180357

Re: Re: Re: Re: Cancelling within 6 days

[Q=marlened77] Thank you so much this puts me at ease so much .. Originally the first payment would’ve been march 13 but I canceled I sent my certified written cancellation letter within the 6 days .. but I will say I am still getting calls to welcome me as if they aren’t aware that I’ve canceled .. is that also normal ?[/Q] Different developers have different practices --- but [b]none[/b] of them ever want to lose a sale after previously "closing the deal". DO NOT answer (or return) ANY of those calls. Don't worry about what's "normal"; there is really no "normal" when it comes to the behavior of hungry and deceitful timeshare sales hyenas --- and it's irrelevant anyhow. There is no reason for them to be calling you just to "welcome" you; that is very clearly NOT the real purpose of their phone calls. Just DO NOT talk to them! The law is on your side here. Don't get in its' way by making (unwise and avoidable) tactical errors and muddying the waters now, when you are getting close to successfully rescinding (cancelling) the contract and just putting it behind you --- permanently.