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Re: RedWeek's own new point system!

adahiscout has observed, quoted in pertinent part: >>... I've found a couple of glitches already in valuations. << ====================================== I don't know (or claim to know) a thing about either one of the particular facilities which you have referenced in your post, but I do wonder if the specific reservation *DATES* involved for each one might substantially impact their respective point valuations? The very same unit at the very same place will reflect different valuations with different dates. ====================================== >>Suppose this is still RedWeek's "shake-down cruise".<< I agree. I note with interest that some folks on other timeshare discussion sites ( non-RedWeek sites) believe with some conviction that the RedWeek point valuation assigned to their submitted unit / week very closely parallels the weekly rental value (expressed in dollars) of their particular unit / week. I can't honestly say that I agree with that particular belief, just based upon a few weeks which I have submitted to RedWeek for evaluation. I believed one to be too high, most others much too low (based upon my own personal experience with previous weekly rentals (using U.S. dollars as a "currency benchmark" for comparison). There surely are (and will be) some growing pains in the new RedWeek model, but I certainly like and sincerely applaud the "upfront" nature and complete transparency of their point / value system, at least in concept. No RCI "man behind the curtain" determining (but never actually revealing) the "internally secret" assigned "trading power" of your deposited week. No "maybe" about the prospect of an acceptable exchange being available. No "deposit, then hope". As inventory quality and quantity improves, and point valuations evolve further, becoming more and more accurate, RedWeek's model could very well become the new industry "gold standard" in timeshare exchanging. I certainly wish them success.