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Re: Re: Get out of Westgate Resorts

[Q=pengx] For most users that got threatened about the MF(maintenance fee) foreclosure in this thread, it has been 3~4 years since that date, is it true that the most harm WestGate can do to the credit report(even if they filed it at all) is 3~4 years? And for some lucky ones who has stopped payment for 7 years or more they should rest assured there is 0 harm going forward? [/Q] More detailed information is necessary in order to provide an informed response. First and foremost is the question "Is the foreclosure solely for unpaid maintenance fees, [b]or[/b] is there also an unpaid loan balance on which you are also going to default?" Two different scenarious, with at least two different potential answers. Some resorts / developers won't even bother to report a foreclosure at all if the account only involves unpaid maintenence fees, with no associated loan going into default. If also defaulting an unpaid loan however, most resorts / developers will make very certain to provide notification of the foreclosure to the credit reporting agencies, where it will thereafter remain a matter of record for (7) years.