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Re: Re: Wyndham's new "Ovation" program offers exit solutions for their owners... interested?

If you are left with no choice but to default, I heard from the horse's mouth when I attended a trial in which Wyndham sued a law firm, that Wyndham is the one company that will not purse a summary judgment (will not come after you like some developers). Wyndham's lead witness testified that after about 180 days they "foreclose" but that's just means taking back the point or weeks. If you bought at a Legacy (old) resort, there might be other considerations. For example, Wyndham bought Carriage Hills and Carriage Ridge in Ontario, Canada, formerly Shell. That HOA would not let anyone out for any reason and pursed even grand-kids in court for past due maintenance fees. It was horrible. People in nursing homes reached out to me. The owners actually did a GoFundMe so I could attend the 2019 meeting because I had written several articles. The first meeting had to be canceled as the facility held 300, but over 1,000 angry owners showed up. A group of determined owners hired a law firm. Both resorts have been sold, no longer timeshare. I would love to write an article about the unfairness of forcing default. "Wyndham’s witness, Ms Ramona Harrington, Vice President of Title Services, Travel & Leisure, testified that Wyndham offers five exit options for paid-in-full members: Limited Edition Limited Offer Tribute by Wyndham Outright (walk away) Resell Ms Harrington further testified that loans are foreclosed in approximately 182 days (150 to 182 days). Caught in the crossfires of these lawsuits are devastated timeshare buyers captured as pawns in a cruel game of timeshare chess. One Wyndham member, and a witness, has still not been foreclosed after suffering monthly negative credit reporting for 44 months, basically four years, when the loan should have been closed in approximately six months." (to punish the law firm)