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Re: Resale Value

[Q=theresah21] I was at the resort in May and the sales people were trying to pitch an upgrade to a 2 bedroom. (I currently own a 1bedroom). They wanted an additional $12,000. I told them I could buy a 2 bedroom unit on Redweek for less than this price plus own an additional week. The sales guy told me that when you resell your timeshare you are blacklisted from the resort...meaning when you try to book your vacation it is extremely difficult to get a week. Does anyone know how true this is. I don't believe anything those sales people tell me.[/Q] THAT IS CRAZY. WE own at PB Rose and Sunset Beach both and we also own resales from various resorts. Noone blacklists people from renting or trading in or using units at these resorts. I would get the name of the salesperson who claimed that and BLACKLIST HIM on every message board there is. Some sales people are desparate to make a sale to keep their own jobs!