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Re: Can someone explain the weeks for me?

Sharon has stated / asked, quoted in pertinent part: >>.... the weeks are confusing me. The week I always travel south is the 3rd week in January. Would this be week 3 then? It doesn't seem like it works quite that way. Can someone clarify for me? << ======================================= "Weeks" in the timeshare world are a bit different from weeks as we know them just by the calendar alone. "Week 1" in the timeshare world is the first "whole" Saturday to Saturday week (some, fewer, resorts use Friday to Friday) occuring in any given calendar year. In 2007, for example, timeshare week 1 began on Saturday, January 6. In 2008, timeshare week 1 will begin on Saturday, January 5. In 2009, timeshare week 1 will begin on Saturday, January 3. So, you see that timeshare weeks do not exactly or directly parallel weeks on the actual calendar of any given year. "Timeshare week 1" always begins, in ANY year, on the first Saturday (or Friday, for some resorts) in that particular calendar year. I hope this adequately explains "timeshare week numbers" for you, to compare and contrast with the "calendar weeks" for any given year. One way to see what week "number" best mirrors your annual travel for any given calendar year is to print out a multi year "timeshare calendar" from any one of the many timeshare related sites on the Internet which have such calendars incorporated right into their site. However, just remembering the "first whole week beginning on Saturday (or Friday)" explanation above for identifying "timeshare week 1" will allow you to easily figure out your January travel week for any given year with just a regular calendar, even without a printout of a "timeshare calendar". Good luck, regards.