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Re: Floating Weeks

[Q=ken1193] adahiscout states, quoted only in directly pertinent part: >> If their float week owners can't use certain weeks in Florida, I'd assume they are already owned by fixed week owners. << ======================================= A reasonable assumption, but not necessarily correct. The "5-15 float reservation blackout rule" is standing policy right across the board at several different coastal FL resorts at which I own (and none of them are related to one another by either management or ownership affiliation). This policy exists (and has since initial construction, to the best of my knowledge), despite the fact that there are still HOA owned units sitting empty during this very same time window. I can't understand or explain it, and won't pretend to, but it's a fact nonetheless. If I had to guess, that guess would be that it was /is a planned effort to maximize and stabilize the market dollar value of fixed weeks in prime winter season. Just a guess --- I don't claim to know. ====================================== Could you explain the "5-15" blackout rule? I've never heard of it. Actually, we have had pretty good luck using both exchanges and owned groups in Florida in January over the years. Gulf coast is harder to get than east coast. Most of the state is not really all that warm in January and many resorts don't have indoor pools. We've certainly been chilled in Orlando. As I said somewhere before, if you can get a fixed week in the perfect location for the perfect week, it's perfect! We just tend to move around to see new places ourselves. MD