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Re: New to redweek and selling timeshare on here?

[Q=joannac18] My only one advise I have left is #1 never buy fromt the builder, #2 Don't pay upfront fees to have someone sell it. Are there any good advices for me?[/Q] [b]Your advice above is very good. The first thing to do is NEVER go to a timeshare presentation in the first place. The salespeople are very good at what they do and they build an image of timeshare ownership as something out of a fairytale. They never tell you about the neverending and rising yearly maintenance fees and possible special assessments. Some salespeople tell you that you can make big bucks renting your timeshare if you don't use it and that you can sell it and make a profit (all lies). If anyone decides to buy a timeshare, buy from the resale market and never finance a timeshare. If you can't afford to pay cash for such a luxury item, then forget it and move on. Not only are you responsible for the loan payment each month for several years, you are also responsible for yearly maintenance fees. It's almost impossible to sell a timeshare with a loan balance.[/b]