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Re: SCAM! SCAM! SCAM! From Americap International Corp

[Q=lisam500] Because you paid by credit card, you can get your money back through them. File a billing dispute with your credit card company. I found the Citibank billing dispute contact information under the billing section on the internet, or you can call the company and they'll send you to the right place. At least with Citibank, the money was refunded to me immediately - they just take it back from Chris.[/Q] Most card issuers impose very specifically identified time limitations in which to file a billing dispute. Perhaps with some compelling evidence of outright fraud being presented, there may be some flexibility (depending on the individual card issuer), but keep in mind too that the recipient may have since closed his own accounts. In that case, "taking it back" may well no longer be an option. All that said, however, it certainly can't hurt to try....