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Re: Haufman & Haufman Associates retrieving money lost via timeshare scams ?

[Q=jayjay] [b]Would anyone that's used Haufman & Haufman Associates to retrieve money lost in timeshare scams, please post your experience here so that we may or may not recommend them. [/b][/Q] ==================================== By chance, I stumbled upon a post by "norin" dated 10/22/07 in the Timeshare Companies forum here on RedWeek. The specific thread involved was initially about Omega Marketing. I don't claim to know whether "norin" is legitimate or just a shill, but in the post s/he mentions specific Haufman personnel by name and also appears to be claiming success (as well as knowledge of the 50% recovery fee). Whether this is a legitimate first hand success story being reported or just a thinly disguised ad posted by a shill, I do not know.