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Re: Has anyone dealt with Time No More, Inc

[Q=ken1193] bobk111 states: >>I just talked to two different people who could not give me a straight answer about anything. All questions will be answered at the presentation. Specifically they would not say if there is any closing costs or wqho pays them or how much, This sounds like a big scam to me.<< ===================================== If you will read some posts on any timeshare related site (including posts right here in this very thread) concerning "PostCard Companies", you will immediately get a crystal clear picture. The bottom line is that they will attempt to get you to attend a "meeting", at which they will endeavor to convince YOU to pay THEM approximately $3,500 to do you the favor of "taking your timeshare off your hands". Do you really need to know anything more????[/Q] Ken I think that most people would take their timeshare and $3500 because the worse thing to happen was you pay MF out of their money! I would think most timeshares that are not selling well have low MF anyway because they are not the better resorts to start with. The higher units could be sold even if only for a dollar so you still have few years to make a profit! These people that fall for this or are such bad shape that they will pay could list this same offer on a site and probably have 100 offers to except in minutes.