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Re: Is this a good news or bad news?

I find it hard to believe that there is one solitary owner of a timeshare that does not feel as if they were bamboozled. I see sad stories of people having to take out home loans, just to pay off this white elephant to sell it for a fraction of what they paid. High pressure sales and clearly lack of real laws governing this rip-off have created a vortex of unsatisfied consumers. What is really needed is a group willing to help enact legislation to help stop this wholesale rape of the consumer. Plus a site dedicated to resale which in essence will take the ownership and subsequent sales of any more timeshares from the big corporations and make it a trade type situation among the owners. I am sure among all the owners of timeshares there are some who can come up with legal creative ways to go about this. When the true word about these scams, in laymen's terms is broadcast there will be less rampant sales and resales and more satisfied customers. It is a thought that all who are not in complete denial should embrace. Let's take full, realistic ownership of what we have paid for.