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[Q=janinef8] states: >> i listed with them in march. paid $600. they heavily solicited that they would sell within 3 months. i still haven't received a single offer, let alone sold it.[/Q]<< You'll never hear from these parasites again --- their work is already done (i.e., they have already succeeded in getting your money). They couldn't care less whether or not you ever sell your timeshare --- there is literally nothing more in it for them anyhow. I hope that you are now pursuing more productive selling prospects (specifically, a reasonable selling price, in ads listed on RedWeek, TUG, MyResortNetwork, Bidshares (free), Craigslist (also free), eBay. For less than $100 total and a little effort exerted on your part, you can have your timeshare ad seen by anyone and everyone on the planet even possibly interested in your particular week. Ain't NO ONE one looking at (or hearing from) "SeaBreeze Advertising", whoever and wherever and whatever on earth they might be..... and that $600 is, unfortunately, water under the bridge and GONE.