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Current update from owner(s)?

Hello again: I am aware that the new wing reconstruction has now been completed here and that the re-built units are evidently now available for owner use. I am also aware that all owners here took a $500 special assessment "hit" this year, apparently to cover bond interest on the reconstruction (in addition to annual maintenance fees --- ouch). I am advised that owners might also take still another "hit" of that (or maybe even greater) magnitude in the not too distant future. So, that's the little bit I know. Can anyone enlighten me further on details I DON'T know, particularly in regard to the lawsuits' progress (if any) or any other insights or relevant information? Presumably there has been a board / owner's meeting quite recently, so I'd be grateful for any updated information available. The HOA rep on site remains a source of no useful information whatsoever to this (or apparently to any other) prospective buyer. Any owner info or insight would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks.