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Re: Is this a good news or bad news?

I have a couple of questions. One you don't mention what you paid to stay at the resort and enjoy the amenities that "owners" are now denied. You also mention what a stupid investment this would be but seem to think that those who were originally duped should now "ban" together and fix this resort up so you have a nice place to stay. If Embassy did not want to save this decaying resort why would a group of "papered owners" want to. I also wonder why a non-owner would post to this forum when evidently redweek signifies that you own a timeshare with redweek staus. I know there is a groundswell of people eager to take advantage of those who may have been pressured into purchasing timeshares and benefit by paying what amounts to the maintenance fees to stay at the resort at their expense. This would be the perfect place to find those victims and gain that benefit. It makes sense they are a good mark as proven by the fact they bought the timeshare in the first place. The resort has been designated as the star property of the new owners Diamond resorts and will be maintained and kept up as best to their ability. Don't come out here in the forums and bad mouth those who have purchased under pressure. I am sure they have beaten themselves enough, they don't need help from you. Don't like the resort? Stay somewhere else.