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Timeshare Ripoffs

[Q=jayjay] [Q=barbaram331] We used it when we could, or could'nt, exchanged it, (when I could finally get the information on how to do this), paid an exchange fee, paid 15% interest, banked and lost most of our weeks. [/Q] [b]I feel your pain, however, how did you lose your banked weeks with the exchange company? Did you let them expire? There have to be many resorts that you would like to go to that's in the RCI and/or II wishbooks (catalog of resorts). The first thing you should do when you bank your week(s) is to have a plan in place as to where you would like to exchange your week, and the sooner you make those plans the better in order to get an exchange you desire. Then learn how to use your exchange company's online capabilities. When they started this feature, I never called an exchange guide again. You can do everthing online; bank your week, search for an exchange, confirm an exchange, start an ongoing search and anything else related to exchanging. With timesharing, you have to learn how to play the game. If not, you're left in the cold with all your banked weeks expired and nothing to show for it. Yes, timesharing has many rip-off artists and upfront fee resale companies top the list, in my opinion.[/b][/Q] RCI is also a rip off. I have banked my weeks with them for YEARS and never can get a good location in return. Definitely disgusted and will not renew with them!