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Re: The Land'Or Rip off

Vinod, I haven't paid in full yet. I started this thing last year and I have paid one year so far. I really don't care about the credit thing. I am just so disappointed in the way they operate. it seems to me that they are bordering on illegality. there are a lot of unethical practices used by their people in the bahamas and virginia.they have definitely crossed into unethical land. do you know of any lawsuits that have been filed against them? specifically do u knw of any lawsuit filed against them by any state? that would be helpful. did you consult with an attorney? what state are you in? i would appreciate it if u can email me directly at these folks are just too unfair. they remind me of vampires/vultures. i need more information so i can decide what my options are. they deceive you into signing a contract without full disclosure and when u realize what you got yourself in and decide to extricate yourself they INSIST that u have signed a contract and therefore they have got their claws into you and you are hooked for life. they then attach their feeding tubes to your financial veins and suck and suck and suck!! we need to let others know about Land'Or and how they operate.