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Re: First time

Hi. Since your inquiry was posted last year, you probably have purchased by now. I purchased 5 successfully and one unsuccessfully. First, review the resort you have in mind on Redweek. Five star resorts have much better rental and exchange value. See what people who have been there have to say about it. (I averted disaster this way). You will probably get a much better price on ebay and Redweek than at the resort. Read the fine print twice. Go to the website. See what previous patrons have to say....can't emphasize this enough. If a resort is really really cheap - say $100 or $300 dollars, there is probably a reason for this. I purchased a 4 star timeshare very cheaply with a fixed week only to find I could not rent or sell it and ended up donating it. This is the one resort I did not check out carefully and did not review previous patrons because I was excited about the price. Land "Ore" in Nassau looks beautiful from the outside but the reviews are terrible. I have never purchased another timeshare without reviewing what the majority of previous people have to say about it. This has saved me many times. Decide if you want "points" or weeks. I see points on sale all the time so my choice is to stay away from points and do weeks only. Check how often the maintenance is raised and by how much. Check the related forums on Redweek. This is such a great site isn't it? Also look at Redwishes to see what the most popular timeshares are. Hope this helps.