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Interesting response to my question

[Q=mike1536] [Q=rkimble111] I got my evaluation points and was surprised at the amount. So I wrote and questioned it and this is what I received.----- Hi, Well, I don't believe it. This looks like a motel converted to a timeshare... Rents for $168 a night at the HIGHEST... if it's a two bed. They use words like "affordable" and best prices on the beach to describe it... and the best room has a queen bed, not a king like most 5-star resorts. Guess the message is that you can't count on member input alone. He should go back to II. Randy[/Q] ============ Forgive me, but I seem to be missing something. Are you talking about RedWeek Exchange evaluations?[/Q] Mike after reading it twice it reminds me of my typing a post and after reading it I don't understand my own statements! Of coarse I do have oop's computer made in 1812 so the keys stick! Also have a small medical problem called (Spastic Fingers) and somtimes my fingers and thoughts go different directions. Have a nice day! PHIL