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Re: Worse crooks even than TS Developers

[b]It starts from the developer with the domino affect on down the line .... upfront fee resellers, postcard companies, hawkers on the street offering big bucks for a presentation, lies told during a presentations, neglect to inform buyers of a rescission period etc. etc. etc. The problem I have is that people wouldn't buy any other high cost purchase without due diligence and research to the max (the internet), however developer salespeople are very good at what they do in convincing you to buy and they will tell you anything to make a sale (including downright lies). Although I don't condone postcard companies (the people who charge $3000+ to take your timeshare off your hands), I would hope that people that pay them have tried every possible way to sell their timeshare with no luck and the postcard company offer is their last straw to rid themselves of the timeshare albatross around their neck. People pay them approximately 3-4 years worth of maintenance fees for this service and many are happy just to be rid of the burden and all the costs related to such (rising maintenance fees forever, possible special assessments, rising exchange company fees, rising this, rising that etc.) Yes, there's a myriad of abuses in the timeshare industry caused by the ripple effect. My # one main angst concerning timesharing are upfront fee resellers that take your money and do nothing in return. To me, this is out and out theivery. The timeshare industry needs to be federally regulated from the developer on down the line, but so far the lies and abuses continue unabated.